shetries's Diaryland Diary


how? why?

i suppose this is the sort of thing that belongs in my diet diary, but it has a lot more to do with me than it does a diet, and so it shall go here.

i just pigged out. 1 and a half slices of pizza and 5 chicken wings. i also had 2 glasses of pop. right now i am debating weather or not to go and *get rid* of it all. why am i debating? because my mother is still up and she might hear. that is the only reason i have not to.

i have never, ever understood why it's such a terrible thing. sure, it's not good for your teeth, throat and heart, but neither is smoking, and no one considers smoking a psychiatric problem.

i miss doing it all of the time, it gave me some kind of odd satisfaction. especially those days at school when i felt like i was suffocating, like i was trapped. i would simply get up from the lunch table, go to the bathroom, barf my brains out, and when i cam back all was fine again. i was able to funtion again.

how? why?

what does it do for me? i don't know if i will ever understand. i miss it though. and i am going to get rid of this food inside of me right now. i don't think she'll hear, and if she does i can always say it must be a stomach bug.

i ate chicken wings...they burn coming back up. it's gross. damn. oh well.

10:45 pm - 07.02.03


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