shetries's Diaryland Diary


no diary-x

no. no diary-x for me. the template isn't as easy to customize as i thought. i guess i'm just going to stay here. i don't really want to abandon this diary anyway. in a month or so i'll unlock, hopefully by then eric and the others will have lost intrest. besides, i have reviews coming to me, i don't want to leave before i get them.

so, there will be no move. i even found a cool picture of a uhaul to use on the redirect page once i was moved!

eric: I'd say you're pretty and you don't need diet pills
eric: but girls don't listen
me: i'd say you're a liar but thanks anyway, but then guys argue
eric: lol
eric: exactly
me: i never believe any compliment anyone gives me. ever.
eric: that's too bad cause I meant it

that has left me with a permenant smile on my face. god i wish i saw him more in real life. i need a car. not that he's even THAT far away, it would probably take less than a half hour to walk to his house....

4:21 pm - 07.01.03


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