shetries's Diaryland Diary


who needs a beat when the beat just goes

we're having a bikini kill morning. and by "we're" i mean, of course, me. it all started with the idea of making a layout with lyrics from "new radio." but that didn't turn out the way i wanted it to. since then my bikini kill morning has simply become "strawberry julius" on repeat. which is what listening to bikini kill always turns into. because this is the awesomest song ever. the lyrics don't really do it justice, one must hear it, but oh well.

come on, come on.
come on, come on.

it's you.
all over my skin.
taking invisible streets
to the fake place
where we win.

watch me now,
from the back of the room,
just don't touch me with yr bare hands
whatever you do.

i wanna burn baby burn
baby black and blue
burn it baby burn it baby
burn with the truth
ask you what the fuck
what the fuck?

what the fuck did they do to you?

come on.

who needs a beat when the beat just goes?

i gotta tell you something.

your palm.
the back of my neck.
it means more than any porn
i wanna forget.

maybe baby i just wanna forget

i'll say something wrong
say something wrong wrong right
say it so wrong
say it wrong
say it right
just stay here and be with me
for real
stay in yr body tonight.

i'll be yr mama, yr sister.
i'll be yr fucking dad,
i'll be the best little baby
that you ever have had
cuz i got
more tongues
than just
this one

yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

come on.

who needs a beat when the beat just goes?
it goes on...
it goes on...
it goes on...

i've got to go now.

that would be "strawberry julius." gotta love it...

i went to sleep at about four thirty. and i woke up at about six. and i'm not tired at all. yay for not needing sleep ever!

just because my world, sweet sister, is so fucking goddamn full of rape, does that mean my body must always be a source of pain? - bikini kill

9:09 am - 11.18.03


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